
What to Know Before You Go to York County DUI Court in South Carolina

The York County DUI Court is located in York, South Carolina, and handles first-offense DUI criminal cases and traffic violations that occur within the county limits.

As experienced South Carolina DUI lawyers, our firm represents clients facing charges in this court. We provide representation for all criminal cases heard here. Our criminal defense team can guide you through the legal process and protect your rights in this court.

York County DUI Court Contact Information

The York County DUI Court’s sessions are typically held Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The Honorable Judge Tracy Bomar-Howze presides over the court.

Physical Address

1675 York Highway

York, SC 29745-7426

Phone: 803-909-7650

Fax: 803-620-2137


First-Offense DUI Cases in York County DUI Court

The York County Centralized DUI Court is responsible for adjudicating all first-offense Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Driving with an Unlawful Alcohol Concentration (DUAC) cases within the county. These cases originate from arrests made by the South Carolina Highway Patrol, York County Sheriff’s Department, Fort Mill Police Department, and multi-jurisdictional checkpoints.

The DUI Court handles the initial proceedings for individuals charged with their first DUI or DUAC offense, including arraignments, pretrial hearings, and trials. The court aims to provide a streamlined process for resolving these cases efficiently while ensuring fair and just outcomes.

If you have been charged with a first-offense DUI or DUAC in York County, your case will be heard in the DUI Court, located in Courtroom B at the Moss Justice Center.

DUI Treatment Court Program

In addition to adjudicating cases, the York County DUI Court also offers a treatment court program for eligible first-time offenders. This program is designed to address the underlying issues that may have contributed to the DUI offense, such as substance abuse or addiction.

York County DUI Court Procedures

If you have received a ticket or summons to a York County DUI Court hearing, you may feel anxious about the upcoming legal process.

Here is what you can expect:

Arraignment Process

When you are charged with a first-offense DUI in York County, your first appearance in court will typically be an arraignment. During this proceeding, the judge will inform you of the charges against you and ask how you wish to plead. You may plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest. It is essential to understand the implications of each plea and to consider consulting with an attorney before making a decision.

Trial Procedures

If you plead not guilty, your case will proceed to trial. In the York County DUI Court, most trials are bench trials, meaning the judge will hear the evidence and make a decision. However, in some cases, you may have the right to a jury trial. Understanding the trial process and the evidence that may be presented against you is crucial to building a strong defense.

Sentencing Guidelines

If you are found guilty or plead guilty to an offense, the judge will impose a sentence based on the specific facts of your case and the applicable sentencing guidelines. For misdemeanors, penalties may include fines, probation, and even jail time.

Traffic violations may result in fines and points on your driver’s license. It is important to understand the potential consequences of a conviction and to work with an experienced attorney to minimize the impact on your life.

How to Prepare for Your Court Date

When preparing for your court appearance, there are several essential steps you should take to ensure that you are well-prepared and ready to present your case effectively.

Gather Relevant Documents

Before your court date, compile all relevant documents related to your case. This may include a copy of your citation, any evidence or witness statements that support your defense, and any other pertinent records. Having these materials organized and readily accessible will help you present your case more effectively and efficiently.

Dress Appropriately

When appearing in court, it is crucial to dress in a manner that demonstrates respect for the court and the legal process. Avoid wearing casual or revealing clothing, such as shorts, tank tops, or flip-flops. Instead, opt for business casual attire, such as slacks, a collared shirt, or a dress. Presenting yourself in a professional manner can help create a positive impression on the judge and other court officials.

Arrive Early

Plan to arrive at the courthouse at least 15-20 minutes before your scheduled appearance. This will give you time to find parking, pass through security, and locate the correct courtroom. Arriving early also demonstrates respect for the court’s time and helps ensure that you do not miss your hearing due to unforeseen circumstances.

Conduct Yourself Professionally

When in court, it is essential to conduct yourself in a professional and respectful manner. Address the judge as “Your Honor,” and speak clearly and calmly when called upon. Avoid interrupting others, using profanity, or engaging in disruptive behavior. By maintaining a courteous and composed demeanor, you can help create a positive impression and increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

Why Legal Representation Matters in Municipal Court

When facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor it may seem, it is crucial to have an experienced attorney on your side. At Okoye Law, our team has a deep understanding of the York County DUI Court and the laws that govern the cases it hears. We will work to protect your rights, explore all available defenses, and strive for the best possible outcome in your case.

The benefits of having a criminal defense lawyer for a York County DUI Court hearing include:

  • Strategic Defense: Lawyers identify procedural problems or legal technicalities that could invalidate tickets.
  • Advising Options: Experienced representation explains the outcomes of pleading guilty vs. not guilty.
  • Navigating Process: Criminal defense lawyers handle communication, filings, and paperwork so you can focus on daily life.
  • Reducing Penalties: Attorneys can advocate for minimized fines, probation, and community service to lessen the blow.

Legal counsel will assist you at every York County DUI Court criminal process phase, focusing on achieving the best possible outcome for your unique situation.

Additional Criminal Defense Resources in York County

To further assist you in understanding the laws and procedures related to your case, we have compiled a list of helpful resources:

Next Steps: Case Review for York County DUI Charges

Contact a criminal defense attorney at Okoye Law today after receiving a summons to appear in York County DUI Court.

Our experienced traffic and criminal defense lawyers provide thorough case assessments and will review your citation and circumstances for a strategic defense approach.

Okoye Law can also answer common questions like:

  • How many points will a ticket add to my SC driving record?
  • What fines or penalties might I face in York County DUI Court?
  • Is my auto insurance rate likely to increase from this ticket?
  • Should I plead guilty or fight my traffic violations in court?
  • What steps can I take to protect my driving privileges?

Trust our years of combined experience and deep knowledge of South Carolina traffic laws when your driving record, wallet, and freedom are at stake. Contact us today to take the first step toward the strongest defense possible in York County DUI Court.


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