
Representing Families in Cherokee, Chester, Lancaster, and York counties

Divorce can be one of the most miserable experiences in life.

You might feel like no one out there understands what you’re going through, but we do.

We’re not just lawyers—we’re people with spouses, family, and friends. We’ve felt the same pain, heard the same lies, and spent countless nights wondering what we could have done differently.

But we also know that your situation is unique and deserves the special attention of a qualified divorce attorney. After all, this is your family we’re talking about.

At Okoye Law, we’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of what divorce proceedings can look like. We’ve witnessed this pain up close and personal, and we’ve helped countless people walk through the process. Let us take this off your hands while you deal with everything else.

Make the right decision for your family’s future—starting with a consultation with Rock Hill divorce lawyers.

Why Choose Us?

At Okoye Law, our family law firm has the experience and compassion clients look for when going through a divorce.

We set ourselves apart by taking a compassionate approach to every case and a vested interest in helping you through this difficult time. We’ll work hard to protect your assets, stop unnecessary spending on legal fees, and do everything in our power to set your family up for success for life after divorce.

When you hire us, we’ll go to work building a plan that sets your family up for success for life after divorce.

What Does a Divorce Lawyer do?

Divorce is one of the most common legal issues that people face in their lives. It’s also one of the most complex—with a wide range of issues to be resolved.

An experienced divorce attorney can help you by guiding you through this difficult process.

Here’s how we can help you:

  • Help with legal aspects of your divorce
  • File necessary paperwork and ensure forms are filled out correctly
  • Explain the relevant laws so that you understand your rights and what’s fair
  • Give objective advice to help you make the best decisions for your future
  • Negotiate settlements between you and your spouse to reduce conflict
  • Represent you in all family court hearings

Hiring a divorce lawyer is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family. And it’s important to ensure you choose the right person for the job.

Divorce is a difficult time in anyone’s life and, if done incorrectly, can cost you a lot more in the long run.

How We Help You

Our family law attorneys can help you deal with the emotional and financial aspects of divorce. We have experience handling complicated divorce cases and contentious child custody battles. And what’s better, we have South Carolina law on our side to get you the best outcome in your case.

Here are three ways our divorce lawyers help you.

Child Custody

Child custody cases are emotionally draining for everyone involved. Ultimately, these decisions are determined by the family court judges, who will look at all aspects of the case and consider each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s physical health, mental health, and general welfare.

They’ll also consider which parent can provide a stable environment that promotes growth and development and order a joint or sole custody arrangement. Our child custody lawyers will advocate for you during this process, helping you protect your parental rights.

Child Support

Child support is an essential part of any divorce involving children. Calculating and fighting for fair child support can be complex, but the good news is that many resources are available to help you through the process. You can use the South Carolina Department of Social Services Child Support Calculator to estimate how much support may be available in your case. And our child support attorneys can help you present your case to the courts so that you can get the much-needed support for your children.

Marital Agreements

Marital agreements are contracts between you and your spouse—often called prenups or postnups. These agreements outline how assets and debts should be divided, decide on child custody and visitation, determine alimony, and even deal with disputes that arise after a divorce.

They’re legally binding documents, and our marital agreement lawyers can enforce them just like any other contract. The truth is, you never know what the future holds for your marriage, and if something were to happen, these agreements ensure you and your loved ones are protected no matter what.

Getting Divorced in Rock Hill or York County? Call Okoye Law.

When you’re going through a messy divorce, it’s not easy to know where to turn.

At Okoye Law, we want to provide you with the compassionate legal advice and guidance you need to make informed decisions about your future.

We’re here to help you through the divorce process and ensure you get what you deserve. We’ve helped many Rock Hill, SC, residents navigate divorce, and we know we can help you too. Call today to speak with our divorce lawyers.


Peace of mind

You will stress less and sleep better knowing we’ve got everything under control.

Quality legal help

We raise the bar by providing detail-oriented legal assistance that zeroes in on the client experience.

Tailored solutions

Every case we take begins and ends with your unique situation in our hearts and on our minds.

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FAQ: Rockhill, SC Divorce

What are the grounds for divorce in South Carolina?

There are five grounds for divorce in South Carolina:

  • Living separately for at least one year
  • Adultery
  • Habitual drunkenness
  • Physical cruelty
  • Abandonment
How are assets divided in a divorce in South Carolina?

South Carolina is an equitable distribution state, meaning the marital property will be divided in a way that’s fair to both parties. Unfortunately, equitable doesn’t always mean equal, and having an experienced divorce attorney could help guide asset division.

Should I move out of the family home during my divorce?

Yes. If you’re pursuing a no-fault divorce in South Carolina, you’ll have to live separately from your spouse for at least one year. Otherwise, you would need to file for a fault-based divorce.

What can my spouse use against me in my divorce?

Many things can be used against you in a South Carolina divorce, including:

  • Hidden assets
  • Having an extramarital relationship
  • Your social media posts
  • Text messages or recorded phone calls
  • Extraordinary spending of marital assets
Can I get a legal separation in South Carolina?

South Carolina does not recognize legal separation. Courts may issue an Order of Separate Maintenance and Support to temporarily resolve spousal support, child custody, and visitation rights while living separately. Still, the document does not affect marital status.