
When you’re arrested for assault and battery in South Carolina, it may feel like you’re guilty until proven innocent. You’re cuffed, arrested, and hauled off to jail before you can even figure out what’s going on.

They’ve got you right where they want you—scared, angry, and so exhausted you might just plead guilty to get on with this.

At Okoye Law, we know the criminal justice system’s game and want to help you beat it. We have experience working with the court system to benefit our clients because we know that sometimes, good people make bad decisions.

Don’t let one mistake determine the rest of your life. Only you have the power to turn this situation around—make the right call and reach out to our Rock Hill assault and battery lawyers today.

Here’s What South Carolina Law Says About Assault and Battery Charges

In South Carolina, assault and battery is a criminal charge in which assault refers to threatening physical harm, and battery refers to the physical act that results in harm.

This is a serious criminal charge that can land you in jail for a pretty long time.

Types of Assault and Battery Charges

There are four degrees of assault and battery charges in South Carolina.

Assault and battery of a High and Aggravated Nature

Assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature is the most serious classification of the charge. It is a lesser offense than attempted murder but is classified as injuring a person and causing “grievous” bodily harm.

First-degree Assault and Battery

First-degree assault and battery happens when a person injures another person in a way that’s likely to cause death or “severe” bodily injury. This charge could also include inappropriate touching, under or above clothing with “lewd and lascivious” intent, and could be concurrent with robbery or kidnapping charges.

Second-degree Assault and Battery

Second-degree assault happens when a person injures or attempts to injure another person and causes “moderate” bodily injury. This charge could also include inappropriate, non-consensual touching, either under or above clothing.

Third-degree Assault and Battery

Third-degree assault, or simple assault, happens when a person injures or attempts to injure another person.

Penalties for South Carolina Assault and Battery Charges

Charge Classification Penalty
Assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature Felony
  • Up to 20 years imprisonment
First-degree assault and battery Felony
  • Up to 10 years imprisonment
Second-degree assault and battery Misdemeanor
  • Up to 3 years imprisonment
  • Up to $2,500 fine 
Third-degree assault and battery Misdemeanor
  • Up to 30 days imprisonment
  • Up to $500 fine 


Here’s What a Criminal Defense Lawyer Does for You

Based on the consequences alone, it’s easy to see why, at a minimum, you would want to get your charges reduced. Even making the leap from second-degree to third-degree assault means the difference between a few years and a few days of imprisonment. That’s what assault and battery attorneys do for you.

They fight for your rights to get your charges reduced or dismissed.

At Okoye Law, our attorneys will:

  • Analyze your case for strengths and weaknesses
  • Educate you on your rights and options
  • Build a criminal defense strategy
  • Execute the strategy in court

Beating your case could include working with the prosecution to iron out a deal that works for everyone or poking so many holes in their case against you that they have no choice but to drop all charges.

In either case, our job is to protect your rights and freedoms by any means—starting with a consultation with our criminal defense lawyers today.

Facing Assault and Battery Charges in Rock Hill or York County? Call Okoye Law.

It’s you against the criminal justice system. But here’s the thing—they can’t convict you without proving your charges beyond a reasonable doubt.

So, no matter how you ended up here, there’s only one way out: a strong defense. Give it your best shot—contact our Rock Hill experienced criminal defense attorney today.


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FAQ: Rock Hill Assault and Battery

What are some common legal defenses to assault and battery charges?
  • Self-defense
  • Defense of others
  • Defense of property
Can the alleged victim drop assault and battery charges against me?

No, victims do not have the authority to drop criminal charges. It’s up to the State whether to forego charges.

How is assault and battery different from domestic violence?

The primary difference between the two charges is that domestic violence refers to an action against a member of your household.