
What To Know Before You Go To South Carolina Lancaster County Magistrate Court

The Lancaster County Magistrate Court provides South Carolina citizens with efficient summary court services. Magistrates serving the Court carry out the following judicial processes and procedures daily:

  • Issue criminal warrants and approve search warrants requested by law enforcement.
  • Hold bond hearings twice every weekday.
  • Preside over preliminary hearings for criminal cases that may advance to the Court of General Sessions.
  • Adjudicate magistrate-level criminal and civil bench trials.
  • Hear traffic violation defenses and conduct ticket bench trials.

Chief Magistrates hold limited authority to impose fines and jail sentences, and they oversee civil claims litigation up to $7,500.

If you have a court date scheduled at the Lancaster County Magistrate Court, having some background on court etiquette and procedures can help you feel more prepared. Let’s examine what to expect when appearing before the magistrate and how local criminal defense attorneys can effectively handle your magistrate court case.

Lancaster County Magistrate Court Key Details

Lancaster County Magistrate Court

761 Lancaster

Hwy 9 Bypass E

Lancaster, SC 29720

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1809

Lancaster, SC 29721

Ph: 803-283-3983

Fax: 877-636-7977

Location & Directions

Its hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Lancaster County’s Magistrate Court Jurisdiction

Lancaster County’s Magistrate Court handles matters across various civil and criminal law branches.

Their jurisdiction includes:

  • Misdemeanor criminal charges.
  • Traffic violations.
  • Civil claims under $7,500.
  • Restraining orders.
  • Orders of protection.
  • Bench warrants.
  • Bond hearings.

Magistrates give Lancaster citizens swift access to the judicial system for minor claims and offenses. However, charges heard in magistrate court still carry potentially severe penalties.

That’s why working with an experienced local criminal defense lawyer is so important when facing the magistrate.

Understanding South Carolina’s Magistrate Court System

In South Carolina, magistrate courts operate under the state’s unified judicial system. The Governor appoints Magistrate judges with the advice and consent of the South Carolina Senate.

The South Carolina Supreme Court chief justice designates one magistrate in each county as the Chief Magistrate to oversee the Court’s administrative operations and jurisdiction.

What You Can Expect When Attending Lancaster Magistrate’s Court

If you have a court date on the calendar with Lancaster County’s magistrate, here is what you can anticipate:

Security Screening

Be prepared to pass through a metal detector when entering the magistrate court. Security will also search bags and clothing. Leave any weapons, including pocket knives, at home.

Check-in Formalities

Arrive early so you have time to take care of any check-in procedures. Be sure to turn off cell phones and other devices before entering courtrooms.

Dress Code

Wear professional business attire to demonstrate respect for court proceedings.

Courtroom Layout

Magistrate courtrooms are small, with the judge’s bench opposite the witness stand and tables for the prosecution and defense. The gallery where you will sit is behind the bar area.

Staff Roles

If you hire legal representation, you’ll interact with the magistrate judge, court clerk, potential law enforcement officers, and lawyers. Be respectful in all exchanges within the courtroom.

Proper Decorum

Stand when addressed by the magistrate and refer to him/her as “Your Honor.” Speak only when prompted and keep answers brief and truthful.

Types of Cases Heard by Lancaster Magistrate Judges

Lancaster County’s magistrates hear many criminal and traffic cases with penalties or jail time not exceeding $500.00 or 30 days, respectively. The civil jurisdiction is $7500.00 for magistrate court civil cases.

Some of the typical criminal offenses under the Court’s jurisdiction include:

Criminal Charges

  • Shoplifting and retail theft
  • Simple assault
  • Public disorderly conduct
  • Trespassing
  • Possession of alcohol violations

Traffic Violations

  • Speeding
  • Driving under suspension or revocation
  • DUI
  • Reckless driving
  • Open container violations

Civil Claims

  • Landlord and tenant disputes
  • Consumer debt
  • Property damage
  • Defective products

Magistrates can issue arrest warrants, preside over bond hearings, grant restraining orders, and more. They also can set monetary fines and sometimes sentence individuals to jail for up to 30 days.

The outcomes of magistrate court cases clearly carry high stakes, even when charges are comparatively minor.

Why Retaining a Local Criminal Defense Lawyer Is Critical

Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer in your corner can make all the difference during magistrate court proceedings.

Rather than facing the prosecutor alone, your attorney can:

  • Examine the claims and evidence against you for weaknesses.
  • Raise objections in court.
  • Negotiate with the prosecution.
  • Advise you throughout the process.
  • Argue to limit penalties if convicted.
  • File for an appeal if necessary.

In short, skilled criminal defense lawyers know how to navigate South Carolina’s magistrate courts. OKOYE LAW in Rock Hill understands the best defenses, negotiating tactics, and sentencing strategies for the state’s magistrate courts.

Our criminal defense lawyers have successfully represented clients before Lancaster County magistrates for years. If your case moves beyond magistrate court, we can also continue defending you through the circuit court.

How An Attorney Can Help With Your Specific Case

Okoye Law offers personalized representation that closely analyzes your unique case’s details to build the most potent defense approach.

We evaluate the prosecution’s evidence, identify illegal searches or interrogation tactics, research potential defenses, and anticipate the magistrate judge’s likely stance.

Our ultimate goal is to have traffic or criminal charges reduced or dismissed without any conviction. Our experience with plea negotiations and sentencing hearings also gives clients the best shot at minimizing fines and avoiding jail time.

For fast, flexible representation tailored to your specific case, contact Okoye Law today to schedule your initial consultation.


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